Progress bar column to display % of completion based on linked child tickets
**As a** user**I want** a progress bar column on the Hierarchy Tree View that displays the percentage of completion of issues (e.g. Epic) based on their linked child tickets**So that** I can track the completion of each parent ticket based the ass...
Allow custom view of Hierarchy (JQL Filter) and progress as a Dashboard Gadget
As a Product Manager, I need a Dashboard to send my stakeholders, so they can get an overview of what's going on in my Product in one place A dashboard gadget, where I can display the hierarchy tree view and progress, based on a JQL filter of the p
Ability to reorder custom columns on the Hierarchy Tree View
**As a** user**I need to** be able to reorder the custom columns on the Hierarchy Tree View**So that** they can be tailored to appear in a logical order for my report.
Today we have a column ‘OE Progress’, it is great. It measures time spent over original estimate. We also dearly need a companion column called ‘;CE Progress’. This column will measure time spent over current estimate.In other words, we want to me...
Search and navigate issues in Hierarchy for Jira via JQL function
**As a user** I want to find my issues through JQL search function **So that** I can add/remove issues to the hierarchy tree view based on the prohect scope without navigating away from the app, or having to create a new filter
One filter shows the whole tree, the second one will show needed parts like teams So that users can narrow down the dataset without needing to reload the tree. The current work around is by filtering via JQL search.
**As a user** I want to search for a particular ticket from the list of issues that I'm working on**So that** I can find the right ticket quickly instead of scrolling through the issue hierarchy table